January 2023 PPS stats have been released.
If the January trend continues, then 2023 looks set to be broadly similar to 2022 with a projected 208,000 Non-Irish PPS numbers issued versus 70,000 Irish PPS numbers.
Here is what previous chart may look like when the statistics are released Feb 2024:
This should be viewed with considered dismay as 2022 informs us this is not a wild projection.
Does it spells disaster for social stability?
If 2022 is our guide then it would be pragmatic to assume the ride will continue to be bumpy, maybe even bumpier.
How was this estimate derived?
January x 12 = Estimate
5,906 - Irish PPS x 12 = Estimate: 70,872
17,690 - Non-Irish x 12 = Estimate: 208,716
Non-Irish PPS 3 Times more than Irish PPS
See how the current January 2023 numbers shape up against the previous year totals of PPS issued for Irish Vs Non-Irish (unprojected).
If this is too simplistic for you, then consider 2022 is a direct comparator, and since there has been no major change in Government policies, especially the dangerous #OpenBorders that has enabled years of #HousingTreason, then it is reasonable to assume more of the same is planned for the rest of this year.
While there is much to be dismayed about, the positive here is Ireland now has an idea of the form of what is planned to come, and so the Irish response can be tuned accordingly, but you need to share what may come - spread the word.
Source / Notes:
Previous substack analysis of PPS numbers
January 2023 PPS statistics: https://www.gov.ie/en/collection/a78027-statistics-on-personal-public-service-pps-numbers-issued/#2023
As each months statistics are released this projection can be refined using the latest figures.
Errors / Corrections: The non-Irish figure was corrected from 23,299 to 17,393, the original number used in error was the sum total PPS numbers issued for January, that inlcude both irish and Non-Irish pps numbers.