Durable Relationship - Part 1
A Referendum sold as "Care" is a Replacement Migration Trojan horse on Steroids
What is this “Durable Relationship” thing?
Freely available information described here should stop the referendum dead and so from proceeding any further, but if it goes ahead and succeeds, it will end Ireland.
It only took one simple online search to unearth with hardly any effort, unequivocal evidence that the term “durable relationship” is a 100% Constitutional globalist coup to enshrine #OpenBorders in the Heart of Article 41 “The Family” of the Irish Constitution, where “The State recognises the Family as the natural primary and fundamental unit group of Society”, that is Ireland, the Irish Family is Ireland - and here is the knife to be plunged into the Heart of Ireland that must be stopped.
It should also help you expose and filter out the insidious style of tactics used in media coverage to date and how it is designed to stop you noticing this Trojan horse.
On that note, below is one typical example of how the referendum is characterised and sold by the #ReplacementMigration media:
I will be voting Yes in the March referendums. Conventional marriage, between a man and a woman, no longer defines ‘durable relationships’ in Ireland. It will be an opportunity to erase the malign influence of Dev and his creepy clerical adviser, John Charles McQuaid.
A how-to stick it to “old Ireland” by raising the spectre of those carefully constructed ancient bogeymen (really long since dead historical Irish leaders, who were more popular in their day than any modern Irish politician could ever dream of being), but is as usual total and utter nonsense, as it tells you nothing of the substantive facts and incredible consequences as to what will unfold if they succeed.
It really is an opportunity for the so-called Irish government to transpose into the Heart of the Irish Constitution, the Heart of the Irish Family, the dagger disguised as “durable relationship”, found in EU directives from as early as 2004, but let’s look at that one search to get a wider picture of the “durable relationship” eco-system that would you believe, already exists elsewhere and shows us what to expect:
On first look we see the term “durable relationship” is directly associated to a thing called the EU Settlement Scheme and is extensively featured in British Home Office links and guidance in relation to immigration and asylum law.
Here is one example from a site called freemovment.org.uk that proves it is all about “immigration” and gives you an insight into how it will be used in the real world if the so-called government get “durable relationship” inserted into the Constitution directly, think of it as a flavour of what is to come:
The Home Office guidance is very helpful in terms of what will generally be accepted as “other significant evidence” of a durable relationship, including (but not limited to) evidence of joint responsibility for a child and evidence of shared financial responsibility.
The guidance also helpfully confirms that a couple does not need to be living together at all. Couples may have lived apart because one member was studying or working elsewhere; because of religious or cultural norms; or because they are a same-sex couple from a country who would not tolerate them living together. In those cases, the Home Office would still expect to see evidence of a committed relationship, such as evidence of visits to see each other, regular communication, financial support etc.
Here is a section from the official EU Settlement Scheme: evidence of relationship guide on the gov.uk site outlining how “durable relationships” criteria for entry works among other aspects of the scheme:
You can read the full online guide at this link: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/eu-settlement-scheme-evidence-of-relationship-to-an-eu-citizen#unmarried-partner
Why are we being asked to transpose part EU directive terms into the heart of the Irish Constitution Article 41 “The Family”?
Do you need more proof and insight into the underhanded agenda at play to prove the intention of inserting the dagger that is “durable relationship” directly into the heart of Ireland - is a plan so utterly devastating that it kills the Irish family dead - if so simply go search the term “durable relationship” now, and see what you find yourself with one simple search, before you try google, it is suggested you try alternative search engines (duckduckgo.com, startpage.com, ecosia.com, yandex.com or qwant.com) and then maybe google last to see what you might find.
Wait there is more
Durable Relationship - Part 2, (pending) this will showcase how and when the term “durable relationship” was recently tested via the Irish High Court and Supreme court that may help further clarify and explain the urgency to hit hardest where it matters most while pretending to “Care” - stay tuned!
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